MAI-AI (Mass Advanced Integrated Automated Intelligence)



The basis of this work will be a foundation of P2P system in a mesh network, decentralized and distributed computing with software and data redundancy, probably using blockchain technology. Blockchain not necessarily in order to stop any abuse, but to ensure the purity of the harvested data.

There are three components here:

1) The Hardware backbone — these will be totally autonomous individual systems or NODES incorporating a microprocessor or data processing unit appended to or piggy-backed onto a radio transceiver/repeater. Thousands of these will be distributed/sold throughout the spiritual/evolving community as the idea becomes more prevalent. Each will be able to transmit and receive and repeat signals in order to forward them on their journey. This initial hardware will be supported by certain other auxiliary hardwares, like antennae on automobiles or on tops of houses etc.
There is one other component, that would be the facility for the system to make the continental leap. That might require a paid or self-maintained set of orbiting satellites, or some other method of transmission across large bodies of water etc or the data might tunnel through an existing internet connection using our own private VPN.

2) The Software engine — this will be a distributed supercomputer(s) framework running in a mesh network(s) enabled by the above hardware. It will be totally private, maybe not at all connected to the internet, [not private, I think, in the sense that it will be completely closed off and sealed through end-to-end encryption or anything of the sort, but it will be monitored and policed by every user, and the data collected will not be specific to any event or blatantly exposing in any way]. The structure of the system itself will defy abuse. There will be little or no advertising. The whole structure will not be built around desire fulfillment. It will be built around aspiration for inner transformation.

3) The Data being harvested — the purity/strength/usefulness of the data will become more and more dependent on and based in the deep learning technology. This might have to be a new sort of AI, which I envision as something that goes beyond both supervised and unsupervised learning. It would be first supervised, then probably unsupervised and/or a combination of unsupervised and supervised, which I want to call “juried” at this point. That is, the AI loops back into the supervised state, or gets pulled back into that state as it is monitored by the aggregate of users.

NOTE: It has been said that it takes a whole village to “raise a child”. And I think AI is not different [and when we say “AI” let us please use the term +Automated Intelligence+, since this is not artificial, meaning it is also of Divine Origin]. Take the example of TAY, which was a tweet-bot which was learning to interact with users of the twitter platform, but rapidly began fostering race hatred. Hollywood has taught us to fear the coming of the “smart machines”. From Fritz Lang’s Metropolis, to Matrix and beyond, we have been led to believe that the machines are not for us but against us. That is a dark plot of Hollywood/Asuric consciousness to make us doubt the Divine Intelligence. This proposed idea would circumvent any sort of abuse by making each and every user a “parent” of the AI they are using, with each user able to teach and guide the AI along it’s developmental path. The problem with Tay was perhaps that each and every user was not able to interact with it in a teaching or guiding way. The proposed app would be fundamentally different here. The gist is that the sensible, reasonable parents would be in the majority and able to stem the tide of any kind of corruptions injected by opposing forces.

Please fill in ideas supplemental to the above concept here.


Guna app will begin as a regular app and progress to become an AI assisted program.
In the beginning, at level 0, for the first few hundred or thousand users it will be a supervised learning AI and then will at some point progress to become an unsupervised learning AI and then progress on to a new type of AI, which I am going to call juried unsupervised AI.

This is an app that is interactive. It is not like any previous apps.

The interaction is on a level that has not yet been achieved through any other previous apps or AI technologies.

The app will track the guna cycle of not only one person but of multiple persons associated with the app’s user at any given time.

The app will be based on a new kind of AI, Mass Advanced Interactive Automated Intelligence, that is, an AI with a lot (a LOT) of human input. This human input I am calling “the jury” because it is not subject to the whims of petty individual speculation or judgments. It will be based on MASS INPUT of many, many humans, who are all weighted as at least having SOME EXPERIENCE in any given arena, if not as being EXPERTS in the particular field.

Basically this sort of AI will be a mashup of deep machine learning and human mass qualified collaboration. Qualified, because the AI will track who is a good candidate to give input on any particular issue or not. (more on this later, as this type of AI will be used in a myriad of other applications, in apps to come). As this augmented AI instance learns about the topic in question, it will begin to know how to spot the human experts in any given area. It will learn more from these experts and it will hold in reserve or dismiss entirely information offered up by those who have no experience or expertise. And it will be able, with time and enough input by the mass of real seasoned contributing experts, be able to easily sort out this invalid input. This qualified input from the human side will increase the level and depth and speed of the learning of the AI instance or instances. So, not only will we have human AI experts working on AI, but eventually, with the proliferation and iteration of the soft- (and hard-)ware [more on this later], the whole world will be feeding and nurturing this new AI, since every human being is experienced or even expert at SOMETHING.

This app and probably all new apps of this type will focus on systems analysis. It will function on a universal scale. It will put a finger on the pulse of an individual, a family, a group, a town, a region, a nation, the world.

First, the app needs to learn what is a guna. And it doesn’t really matter if the individual user knows what it is or not. It is probably better if they don’t know. Some seed information will be fed into the app at the beginning by both our enlightened guides, and by beginning users who begin to experience their guna cycles and differentiate them and who start to be able to recognize their cyclic changes. The user enhanced AI will quickly learn to know what is a guna cycle by analyzing data from multiple users in a broad, locally grounded mesh network (more on this later).

So from the beginning the app will be connected to a network of users. It will not happen in a vacuum of a single user space. The programming requirement of our team members at the beginning will be less of the content of the app and more of method of gathering intelligence about the different systems’ processes and how to examine them, organize them into a group of protocols or algorithms and then proceed to pattern recognition in other, newly attained systems or data sets. This work, too, will quickly be taken over by the augmented AI systems/instances.

The app will study us humans as we offer our input.

The app will be interactive. It will not sit silently in a pocket. That is not what it will be designed to do. The app will, as it begins to learn the behaviors and the patterns, begin to offer help to the user, but only when and where the user wants or requests help. The app will offer help, but the user will be able to customize the app to NOT offer help if the user chooses to not be bothered. The usefulness of the app is actually based on the possibility of interaction with humans. So, it behooves the user to interact more frequently with the app, but this conscious targeted interaction will/may become less necessary with time, as the AI takes over the process. The app will still be able to recognize the patterns. We could call it a smart app. The app will, in a sense, always be watching us humans, minutely observing us if you will, but not at the level of collecting specifics that could be exploited by any gross spectacular media (more on this at a later point).

How are you? The app will ask at chosen intervals this or a similar question. In the beginning, it could say “how are you?” But Both the intervals and the type of query will be customizable by the user, as well as the mode of asking. It will continue. After collecting the answer to the question offered by the user, it will ask, “Would you like me to ask you this again in X (units of time)?” and also “How would you like me to contact you? Should I speak, should I cause this device to vibrate and flash a query on the screen?” and so on. And so it will collect data on the subjective mental/emotional and or physical state of each user over time.

The actual question is unimportant. The app could be asking, did you eat yet? or it could be asking, were you happy today? It could be asking anything, but the key is, it will pop up at certain predetermined (individually programmable) intervals and or intervals determined based on events (pulse rate, breathing, the tone of the voice of the human etc.) and asking for an answer to a question. and this question has been changed/programmed by the person who uses the app. So, the content of the app is, within the limits of the purpose of the app, totally flexible and can be broadly customized by the single user. This question that is being asked by the app is the question the user wants to be asked at certain times of the day or whenever and it is popping up and interacting as ALLOWED by the user. If the user wants the app to nag, the app will nag. If the user wants to be left alone, the app will not nag, but will wait, but it will keep collecting data the whole time, data on heart rate, breathing rate, motion, usage of the device, tone of voice, loudness of the voice, or whatever. And the fact of the conscious targeted interaction or non-interaction with the app will also feed knowledge of the guna cycle of the single user over to the AI to be stored and analyzed.

Try to keep in mind, while (re-)reading this paper, we are talking about an app and a device or devices OF THE FUTURE. The device or system needed for this scope of project almost certainly has not been invented yet. If it has been invented already, it is not in broad usage at this point or is being under-used or not used for the purposes which would fit it best.

We will also be working on the invention of any HARDWARE that is needed for this project as well as a new type of networking system. For our purposes, we will start off using cellular devices and computers etc hooked up through internet, but this will quickly move on into using newer types of devices that will be invented specifically through the needs of the time (More on this also later). But for this project, we can start off with what we have.

Below is a flow chart started to describe the algorithm of the exchange between the machine and the human contributor.
The first screen is fundamental and establishes the parameters of contact between the human and the AI
The app will start off in Level 0 with a survey of the gunatic makeup of the individual user. This may or may not be useful or needed later on. Then there will be the normal profile setup including whatever the user wishes, avatar, contact info and so on.

Here the human user can possibly make decisions about how the harvested data will be handled.

In the next screen we begin the interaction between the AI and the human.

You can see the home screen and the query comes… Ex: How are you? Then the person can answer in different ways.
Later: Don’t bother me, I don’t want to interact with you right now.
Ok, fine, but tell me when you will be open to interaction with me (AI)
The human responds by telling the app when it can “bother” them again.
I’m Fine:
Now the AI wants to have a quantification of the word fine. How fine?
How long has this subjective feeling been observed by the human?
And so on….
This is a simple flow chart of the human interaction with the AI, but 99% of the data will eventually come from other observations of the AI:
When does the human sleep
Heart Rate
Breathing rate
Motion detection like work or walking etc.
Talking to others is detected and the tones and amplitude of the voice are logged.
Online behaviors, such as what websites the human is surfing will be less important here as end result “what” factor. It will simply be a factor of a behavioral pattern of web surfing itself that will be logged as a rajasic or tamasic pattern.

So, the next flow charts that need to be written are more on the side of the AI, what it is observing, storing and analyzing. This is the silent observation mode of the AI, not the interactive mode.
It will also catalog simple things like how often the person charges the device, How a person accelerates/brakes when driving a motorized vehicle,… (More examples here could be suggested; in fact, an infinite number of metrics might be added. Hesitation time before answering a query, the time it takes to answer the query. The language used in the answer, typos made, bad or good grammar, etc. and on and on.)
The human user can also be keeping journals of activities, appointment calendars and notes here, and all this data can be stored and analyzed etc. The importance here is not the what, but the how. The facts and specifics will be less important. The tracking of the activity itself will be important.

Above was mentioned that the app will begin to track the guna cycles of people associated with the human user, but those people are not actively using the app. This will begin to happen over time naturally as the app starts to learn about the human’s interactions with its fellows, when the AI begins to assess the surroundings of the individual users.

The above flow chart will go several levels deeper and at each level the human has the ability to customize and add new queries and “steer the conversation” with the AI.

In effect it is as if the human has another person to interact with, someone who will listen. But in this situation, the AI will be gathering information in order to help the human.

Coming the part of helping the human will take some time at the beginning (of the entire app’s life/runtime in the collective). Later when the AI has gathered enough information about enough human systems it will be able to offer help at a much sooner moment in the life of an individual installation, after it has figured out how the gunas work in these human systems.

The help will come as something like, “ok, you are in tamas in the mental? Do you want to know how to get out of it?” Or “Rajas has taken over your vital. Do you need help increasing sattwa?”

Or the motivation can come in more subtle and less direct communication. Like when someone is in too much rajas, a tone or a song will be played or some chanting can be initiated by the app.
Develop this line more on the basis of Bhagavan Sri Atmananda Ji’s experience and teachings.

Why is a needed? What are indeed Gunas?

Years ago Simran Ji tells a story about a pair of frogs.

One frog is very nicely situated in a deep well. He has everything he needs. Every day he has a routine. he eats and sleeps and lives in his small world. One day he encounters suddenly another frog. The two make acquaintance and the 2nd frog, the alien frog, tells the homelander that there is a different world, a broader vaster world than the 1st frog’s well, which he calls by a strange new term, “ocean”. Ocean is a place where the sun is visible every day all day, not just at limited times during the peak hours around noon. And the ocean is beautiful and vast!

It is also another story that is told about a frog. Place a frog in a pot of cold water and place that pot on a fire. The frog will never notice the water heating up and will be cooked in the water eventually. The frog will not struggle to get out of the pot of water, as it does not notice the rising temperature.

We humans are like both of these frogs.

In the first story the well is Prakriti. We have no idea about the vast possibilities of awareness, having been continually immersed in experience our whole lives, and indeed for many lifetimes.
In the second example, the water is the gunas. We are in the gunas and we are not aware of them. We are not able to control them, rather they control us; and we suffer because we are not able to distinguish ourselves, our true selves, from them, just as the frog cannot feel the relative heat or cold of the water.
In short, We do not see how Prakriti limits and traps us through the gunas, because we have known nothing else.

Gunas are three, the Triguna.
Sattwa guna
Rajo guna
Tamo Guna

Everything in the prakriti plane is made up of combinations of these three. Our physical body, our vital emotions, our mental thoughts, our intellectual ideas and ponderings, and also our whole desire mechanism and our whole life is made up of these three elements. But we have no knowledge of them or how they are controlling us, how we are trapped there.

The point of spiritual life is for the conscious being to rise above this perspective of immersion in the gunas and come out of a life of total experience in order to experience the all pervading awareness of being, for in fact, we are the soul, and the soul is pure awareness. Then after this experience of awareness has been reached, we come back to the world of experience in order to manifest spirit or awareness in the realm of matter or experience.

This is the reason a guide is necessary in any spiritual endeavor. Because a person is needed who is out of the reach of the gunas, who has gone through the whole journey and come out the other side, to help us gain mastery over ourselves and transcend Prakriti. A picture of this is given in the ancient Greek tales of the entering and exiting the cave of the minotaur. There is a gold thread or a red thread. The connection has to be kept alive to the Being. That can only happen through a human embodied guru. It is extremely rare fo find it happening without the intervention of someone who is able to clearly see the path in and the path out.

In order to be able to work with that living guide we need to begin to have some knowledge of gunas. We need to begin to feel ourselves as separate from them.

The first supervised learning will be this chart. Then the app will begin to collect data and interact with the users.


The first guna to transcend or gain mastery over is tamas.
Description of the process of mastery over the gunas we can take from Bhagavan’s interactions and Simran Ji’s classes.


Copyright 2021 MAI AI LL